Tembung Lantip Tegese A Ati Ati B Pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran

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Tembung lantip is a term used in Javanese language to describe words that have hidden meanings or connotations. These words are often used in literature, poetry, and even in everyday conversation. One of the most popular tembung lantip is “A ati ati, B pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran.” In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of this tembung lantip.

The Origin of Tembung Lantip

The use of tembung lantip is not a new phenomenon in Javanese culture. In fact, it has been a part of the Javanese language for centuries. The origin of tembung lantip can be traced back to the ancient Javanese literature, such as the Serat Centhini and the Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati.

These literary works contain a lot of tembung lantip that are used to convey moral messages and teachings. They are often written in a poetic and metaphorical language, making them more appealing and memorable to the readers.

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The Meaning of Tembung Lantip “A Ati Ati, B Pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran”

“A ati ati, B pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran” is a tembung lantip that is often used in Javanese language to advise someone to be careful and clever in their actions and thoughts. The literal translation of this tembung lantip is “A heart, heart, B smart C. So that D. Mind.”

The meaning behind this tembung lantip is that one should not act or think recklessly, but instead be cautious and wise in their decisions. The “A ati ati” part refers to the heart or emotions, which should not be allowed to dictate one’s actions. The “B pinter C” part refers to the need for intelligence and knowledge in making decisions. The “Supaya D” part means “so that” or “in order to,” indicating that the end goal is to have a clear and rational mind.

The Significance of Tembung Lantip “A Ati Ati, B Pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran”

Tembung lantip “A ati ati, B pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran” has a deep significance in Javanese culture. It reflects the Javanese people’s philosophy of life, which emphasizes the importance of wisdom, balance, and harmony.

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In Javanese culture, one’s actions and decisions are not based solely on logic or reason, but also on the heart or emotions. A person’s heart or ati is considered the source of their intuition, empathy, and spirituality. However, the heart should not be allowed to rule over the mind or pikiran, which is the seat of reason and intellect.

The use of tembung lantip “A ati ati, B pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran” reminds people to maintain a balance between their heart and mind, and to use both in making decisions. It also teaches people to be cautious and wise in their actions, and to strive for a clear and rational mind.


In conclusion, tembung lantip “A ati ati, B pinter C. Supaya D. Pikiran” is a popular and meaningful phrase in Javanese culture. It reflects the Javanese people’s philosophy of life, which emphasizes the importance of wisdom, balance, and harmony. By understanding the meaning and significance of this tembung lantip, we can learn valuable lessons about how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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