Tembang Macapat Kalebu Tembang A. Cilik b. Gedhe

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Javanese culture is rich in art and literature. One of the most beautiful literary forms is Tembang Macapat. Tembang Macapat is a form of Javanese poetry that is written in the Macapat meter. The Macapat meter is a unique form of meter that is specific to Javanese poetry. There are several types of Tembang Macapat, and in this article, we will discuss two of them: Tembang A. Cilik and Tembang Gedhe.

Tembang A. Cilik

Tembang A. Cilik is a type of Tembang Macapat that is written in a simple and straightforward language. It is usually sung by children and is intended to teach them about moral values. The themes of Tembang A. Cilik usually revolve around love, respect, honesty, and integrity. The language used in Tembang A. Cilik is easy to understand, and the message is conveyed in a simple and effective way.

One of the most popular Tembang A. Cilik is “Lir Ilir”. “Lir Ilir” is a Tembang that is sung by children and adults alike. The melody of “Lir Ilir” is simple and catchy, making it easy to remember. The lyrics of “Lir Ilir” revolve around the concept of unity and respect for others. The message of “Lir Ilir” is still relevant today, and it is often sung during religious ceremonies and cultural events.

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Tembang Gedhe

Tembang Gedhe is a type of Tembang Macapat that is written in a more complex language. It is usually sung by adults and is intended to convey a deeper message. The themes of Tembang Gedhe usually revolve around spirituality, philosophy, and mysticism. The language used in Tembang Gedhe is more difficult to understand, and the message is conveyed in a more subtle way.

One of the most popular Tembang Gedhe is “Gambuh”. “Gambuh” is a Tembang that is sung by a group of performers. The lyrics of “Gambuh” revolve around the concept of love and devotion to God. The melody of “Gambuh” is complex and requires a high level of skill to perform. “Gambuh” is often performed during religious ceremonies and cultural events.

Importance of Tembang Macapat

Tembang Macapat is an important part of Javanese culture. It is a form of literature that has been passed down from generation to generation. Tembang Macapat has played a significant role in shaping Javanese culture and identity. It has helped to preserve the Javanese language and has been a medium for conveying moral values, philosophical concepts, and spiritual beliefs.

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Tembang Macapat is also an important part of Javanese music. The melodies of Tembang Macapat are unique and beautiful. They are often used in traditional Javanese music, such as Gamelan. The rhythms and melodies of Tembang Macapat have influenced modern Javanese music and have been adapted into various genres.


Tembang Macapat is a form of Javanese poetry that is rich in culture and tradition. It is a unique literary form that has played a significant role in shaping Javanese culture and identity. Tembang A. Cilik and Tembang Gedhe are two types of Tembang Macapat that convey different messages and themes. Tembang Macapat is an important part of Javanese music and has influenced modern Javanese music.

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