Sebutkan 25 Lagu Daerah dan Asalnya

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Indonesia is known for its rich cultural heritage, which includes a diverse array of traditional music. From the upbeat rhythms of Javanese gamelan to the soulful melodies of Sulawesi’s bamboo flute, each region has its unique sound. In this article, we will explore 25 traditional Indonesian songs from across the archipelago and their origins.

1. Rasa Sayange – Maluku

Rasa Sayange is a traditional folk song from Maluku, which tells the story of love and longing. It has become a popular tune throughout Indonesia, often sung at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s melody reflects the island’s gentle sea breeze and lush tropical vegetation, making it a favorite among tourists visiting the region.

2. Yamko Rambe Yamko – Papua

Yamko Rambe Yamko is a song from Papua that celebrates the beauty of the island’s landscape. The song’s lyrics describe the towering mountains and verdant forests that cover much of the island, as well as the vibrant culture of its indigenous communities.

3. Tari Piring – Sumatra Barat

Tari Piring is a traditional dance from Sumatra Barat that features dancers balancing plates on their heads and hands while performing intricate footwork. The accompanying music is played on a set of small, handheld cymbals known as talempong, which create a lively and rhythmic beat.

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4. Tokecang – Jawa Barat

Tokecang is a Javanese song that tells the story of a young couple in love. The song’s melody is light and playful, reflecting the joy and excitement of young love. It is often performed at weddings and other romantic occasions.

5. Pok Ame Ame – Jawa Tengah

Pok Ame Ame is a playful song from Jawa Tengah that is often sung by children. The song’s lyrics describe a group of children playing together, and the melody is upbeat and cheerful.

6. Jali-Jali – Kalimantan Selatan

Jali-Jali is a traditional song from Kalimantan Selatan that celebrates the beauty of the region’s landscape. The song’s lyrics describe the lush forests, winding rivers, and towering mountains that make up the island’s rugged terrain.

7. Ampar-Ampar Pisang – Kalimantan Timur

Ampar-Ampar Pisang is a song from Kalimantan Timur that tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a man from a different village. The song’s melody is gentle and melancholy, reflecting the bittersweet nature of love and separation.

8. O Ina Ni Keke – Sulawesi Utara

O Ina Ni Keke is a traditional song from Sulawesi Utara that is often performed at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s lyrics describe the beauty of the bride, and the melody is lively and celebratory.

9. Rantau Den Pajauah – Minangkabau

Rantau Den Pajauah is a song from Minangkabau that tells the story of a young man who leaves his hometown to seek his fortune elsewhere. The song’s melody is wistful and reflective, reflecting the sadness and nostalgia of leaving home.

10. Anak Kambing Saya – Bali

Anak Kambing Saya is a playful song from Bali that is often sung by children. The song’s lyrics describe a young boy and his pet goat, and the melody is upbeat and cheerful.

11. Ampar Pisang – Nusa Tenggara Timur

Ampar Pisang is a traditional song from Nusa Tenggara Timur that tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a man from a different village. The song’s melody is gentle and melancholy, reflecting the bittersweet nature of love and separation.

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12. Sajojo – Papua Barat

Sajojo is a traditional song from Papua Barat that celebrates the region’s vibrant culture and natural beauty. The song’s lyrics describe the island’s lush forests, crystal-clear waters, and diverse flora and fauna.

13. Si Patokaan – Sumatra Utara

Si Patokaan is a traditional song from Sumatra Utara that tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a man from a different tribe. The song’s melody is gentle and melancholy, reflecting the bittersweet nature of love and separation.

14. Manuk Dadali – Jawa Barat

Manuk Dadali is a Javanese song that tells the story of a bird soaring through the sky. The song’s melody is light and playful, reflecting the joy and freedom of flight.

15. Ondel-Ondel – Jakarta

Ondel-Ondel is a traditional dance from Jakarta that features large, colorful puppets known as ondel-ondel. The accompanying music is lively and upbeat, creating a festive atmosphere.

16. Cik Cik Periuk – Riau

Cik Cik Periuk is a playful song from Riau that is often sung by children. The song’s lyrics describe a group of children playing together, and the melody is upbeat and cheerful.

17. Yamko Rambe Yamko – Papua Barat

Yamko Rambe Yamko is a song from Papua Barat that celebrates the beauty of the island’s landscape. The song’s lyrics describe the towering mountains and verdant forests that cover much of the island, as well as the vibrant culture of its indigenous communities.

18. Tokecang – Jawa Tengah

Tokecang is a playful Javanese song that is often performed at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s melody is light and cheerful, reflecting the joy and excitement of the celebration.

19. Kicir-Kicir – Jawa Tengah

Kicir-Kicir is a playful song from Jawa Tengah that is often sung by children. The song’s lyrics describe a group of children playing together, and the melody is upbeat and cheerful.

20. Yamko Rambe Yamko – Papua

Yamko Rambe Yamko is a song from Papua that celebrates the beauty of the island’s landscape. The song’s lyrics describe the towering mountains and verdant forests that cover much of the island, as well as the vibrant culture of its indigenous communities.

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21. Tokecang – Jawa Barat

Tokecang is a Javanese song that tells the story of a young couple in love. The song’s melody is light and playful, reflecting the joy and excitement of young love. It is often performed at weddings and other romantic occasions.

22. Soleram – Riau

Soleram is a traditional song from Riau that is often performed at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s lyrics describe the beauty of the bride, and the melody is lively and celebratory.

23. O Ina Ni Keke – Sulawesi Selatan

O Ina Ni Keke is a traditional song from Sulawesi Selatan that is often performed at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s lyrics describe the beauty of the bride, and the melody is lively and celebratory.

24. Ampar Pisang – Kalimantan Timur

Ampar Pisang is a song from Kalimantan Timur that tells the story of a young woman who falls in love with a man from a different village. The song’s melody is gentle and melancholy, reflecting the bittersweet nature of love and separation.

25. Rasa Sayange – Maluku

Rasa Sayange is a traditional folk song from Maluku, which tells the story of love and longing. It has become a popular tune throughout Indonesia, often sung at weddings and other festive occasions. The song’s melody reflects the island’s gentle sea breeze and lush tropical vegetation, making it a favorite among tourists visiting the region.


Indonesia’s traditional music is a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage. From the upbeat rhythms of Javanese gamelan to the soulful melodies of Sulawesi’s bamboo flute, each region has its unique sound. By exploring the 25 traditional Indonesian songs in this article, we gain a deeper appreciation for the country’s diverse musical traditions and the stories they tell.

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