Sebutkan 10 Tarian dan Pola Lantainya!

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Indonesia is known for its diverse culture, and one of the most interesting parts of it is the traditional dances. Each region in Indonesia has its own unique dance, accompanied by different music and costumes. Here are 10 traditional dances from Indonesia and their dance patterns:

1. Tari Pendet

Tari Pendet is a traditional Balinese dance that is usually performed by young girls to welcome guests. The dance pattern of Tari Pendet is quite simple, with the dancers holding a small tray of flowers while moving their hands and feet in a graceful manner.

2. Tari Saman

Tari Saman is a traditional dance from Aceh, performed by a group of men sitting in a row. The dance pattern of Tari Saman is unique, where the dancers clap their hands, slap their chests, and move their heads in a synchronized manner while reciting Islamic verses.

3. Tari Kecak

Tari Kecak is a Balinese dance that tells the story of the Ramayana through chanting and coordinated movements. The dance pattern of Tari Kecak involves a large group of men sitting in a circle, chanting “cak” while moving their arms and hands.

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4. Tari Topeng

Tari Topeng is a Javanese dance that involves the use of masks to tell stories. The dance pattern of Tari Topeng is quite complex, as the dancers have to change their masks and costumes while performing different characters.

5. Tari Tor-Tor

Tari Tor-Tor is a traditional dance from North Sumatra, performed by a group of men and women. The dance pattern of Tari Tor-Tor involves the use of bamboo sticks, where the dancers hit the sticks together while moving their feet in a lively manner.

6. Tari Merak

Tari Merak is a dance from West Java that imitates the movements of a peacock. The dance pattern of Tari Merak is quite elaborate, with the dancers spreading their arms and moving their bodies in a graceful manner.

7. Tari Reog

Tari Reog is a dance from Ponorogo, East Java, that involves the use of a large mask made of leather and horsehair. The dance pattern of Tari Reog is quite intense, with the dancers moving their bodies in a lively manner while carrying the heavy mask.

8. Tari Jaipong

Tari Jaipong is a dance from West Java that combines traditional and modern elements. The dance pattern of Tari Jaipong involves a group of dancers moving their bodies in a lively manner while accompanied by gamelan music.

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9. Tari Saman Gayo

Tari Saman Gayo is a traditional dance from Aceh that involves a group of men sitting in a row and performing synchronized movements. The dance pattern of Tari Saman Gayo is quite similar to Tari Saman, but with a different set of movements and music.

10. Tari Ronggeng

Tari Ronggeng is a dance from West Java that is usually performed in social events. The dance pattern of Tari Ronggeng involves a group of men and women moving their bodies in a lively manner while accompanied by traditional music.


These are just 10 of the many traditional dances from Indonesia, each with their own unique dance patterns and cultural significance. By learning about these dances, we can appreciate the rich and diverse culture of Indonesia, and preserve these traditions for future generations to come.

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