Contoh Program Kerja Wakil Ketua OSIS yang Bagus

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As a wakil ketua OSIS, you have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill. You have to work hand in hand with the ketua OSIS to ensure that all the tasks and activities planned by the OSIS run smoothly. Here is a list of some excellent programs that a wakil ketua OSIS can implement to make a significant impact:

1. Leadership Training

One of the critical roles of the wakil ketua OSIS is to develop leadership skills among students. You can organize leadership training programs, seminars, and workshops to help students develop the right skills to lead their peers effectively.

2. Community Service Programs

Organizing community service programs is another great way to create a positive impact on society. You can collaborate with other student organizations and local NGOs to organize blood donation drives, tree planting activities, or clean-up campaigns.

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3. Awareness Campaigns

As a wakil ketua OSIS, you can also organize awareness campaigns to promote important social issues such as drug abuse, bullying, and environmental protection. You can use various platforms such as social media, posters, and banners to spread awareness among students.

4. Talent Shows and Competitions

Organizing talent shows and competitions is an excellent way to promote healthy competition among students. You can organize events such as singing competitions, debate competitions, or science fairs to bring out the best in students.

5. Cultural Festivals and Celebrations

Organizing cultural festivals and celebrations is a great way to promote diversity and inclusivity among students. You can organize events such as cultural fairs, food festivals, or music concerts to celebrate the different cultures and traditions represented in your school.

6. Career Counseling

As a wakil ketua OSIS, you can also organize career counseling programs to help students make informed decisions about their future. You can invite guest speakers, organize workshops, and provide students with access to resources that can help them explore different career paths.

7. Sports Activities

Organizing sports activities is an excellent way to promote physical fitness and healthy competition among students. You can organize events such as inter-class tournaments, sports days, or fitness challenges to encourage students to stay active.

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8. Student Exchange Programs

Organizing student exchange programs is a great way to promote cultural exchange and provide students with an opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions. You can collaborate with other schools and organizations to organize exchange programs that can benefit both students and teachers.

9. Environmental Programs

Organizing environmental programs is an excellent way to promote sustainability and environmental awareness among students. You can organize events such as recycling drives, eco-friendly campaigns, or nature walks to help students understand the importance of preserving the environment.

10. Health and Wellness Programs

Organizing health and wellness programs is an excellent way to promote healthy habits among students. You can organize events such as yoga classes, meditation sessions, or health camps to help students manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


As a wakil ketua OSIS, you have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill. You have to work closely with the ketua OSIS to ensure that all the activities and programs planned by the OSIS run smoothly. By implementing the programs mentioned above, you can make a significant impact on your school and community. Remember to be creative, innovative, and inclusive in your approach to ensure that all students benefit from the programs you organize.

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